playing with some technics a friend teached me in the salon de livre in paris last time,as you can see,this is my real sketchbook,it even has some concert tickets! :)
Awesome. What technique is this exactly, Tony? I've recently rediscovered watercolour (and I'm insanely enjoying it ;-p) and I'd love to know more about these secrets ways... Pleeaaaaase?
well,the thing here is to play around stuff you got in your bag,for say something and handle to put them together in the same drawing,more than a technic is a exersice. clem,the alcohol is not bad idea bro! ;) hehehe,thank you all.
8 comentarios:
WWooaa!! Mas tecnicas!! Excelentes, Tony!!! :D Tratare de entenderlas. :)
Hehe Ulver! Is Garm the guy who tought you to do this? :p
Amazing work of course! I should have get you drunk and steal your notebook when I had the chance.
I'll see you on Halloweeeeeeeeen
Awesome. What technique is this exactly, Tony? I've recently rediscovered watercolour (and I'm insanely enjoying it ;-p) and I'd love to know more about these secrets ways... Pleeaaaaase?
well,the thing here is to play around stuff you got in your bag,for say something and handle to put them together in the same drawing,more than a technic is a exersice.
clem,the alcohol is not bad idea bro! ;) hehehe,thank you all.
Swallow The Sun rules !!!
Good choice, it's one of the best doom band of the last years !
absolutly! they rocks!!
excellent, tu t'es mis à mettre du scotch sur tes aquarelles...
Cest la technic coquillaud!!
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