

This is the cover of my new book les bêtises de xinophixerox (in french only),and it will be publisher in february by paquet editions,with an advance aparition for the angouleme festival and is my first book completely in water colors,aswell writen by me,you must have to wait for something crazy hehe :P
hope you like it.

16 comentarios:

nesis dijo...

This cover is really magnificent!!!
"une pure beauté"

Virus Visal dijo...

algun día en español, quiza?

Fabian dijo...

Una de las mejores noticias, Tony!! Ya había comemntado en tu facebook. Vere si alguno de mi amigos de España me lo pueden conseguir antes en Angouleme con todo y dedicatoria, si no, pues a esperar a febrero. :)
Un abrazo!

Unknown dijo...

Wow, this cover is wonderful! And all in water colors, can't wait until february!

Oskar Iglesias dijo...

Tiene muy buena pinta. Pena que tengamos que esperar a febrero seria un buen regalo de navidad.

Tony Sandoval dijo...

muchas gracias!!,aun no se si se publicara en español,pero es posible.

Emy dijo...

Ouiiii! J'ai hâte!!!! :)

Madock dijo...

Y viva Edward Gorey!!! XD

Naoko dijo...

My friend Alexandra saw you at the Salon du Livre Jeunesse in Paris last week end (you drew your new character for her), she's totally a fan of your work so thanks for her!
If you have some time maybe you could have a look on her blog: http://la-sr-mangaphile.over-blog.com/
She wrote a very nice comment on you and your work. Maybe you could convince her to write a novel...

Unknown dijo...

Trik trak... triktrak trik trak trik trak

Marmax dijo...

Great! I always look forward to seeing new work from you!

sefora dijo...

ohhhh...wide-opened-mouth, Ireally like this cover!!!

SeL dijo...

ca promet d'être génial !! j'ai hate de voir ça !!! pourquoi en français ?

Noryuken dijo...

It will be very hard to wait this one, 'cause I want it with your dedicace as always, but it's absolutely amazing :D un abrazo Tony!

AC dijo...

POR FAVOR dime que se puede conseguir en el DF....

Seb P! dijo...

Hi Tony!
I'm a french reader and I just bought The Xinophixerox's book. It's very spécial but It stroke my heart and it is now with my others books.
I love your universe and I hope to read more about your pieces.
Tale care!