
DOOMBOY the book

Doom boy has been a little character who sometimes transit my sketchbooks and blogs,and little by little he has been constructed a story, and i did some pages over and over and when i found someting i like i propose to my publisher pierre paquet to do a book about him.
I still working on that book,wich is a bit influenced by a memory collection from my young days when i use to play in a band, all the friends around and the local rock scene,fun time.
Hope to finish that book in the midle of the next year.

6 comentarios:

Oskar Iglesias dijo...

Esperaremos con ansia a que lo publiquen.

Fabian dijo...

Surte que con el proyecto, Tony! Espero pronto vea la luz! :)

Unknown dijo...

Excellent !

Nicole dijo...

OH HOW COOL! I remember first seeing a few comic shorts that you did of Doomboy on devART and being very intrigued. I'm glad you've decided to go all out and give him his very own book! :D

Edde Wagner dijo...

Wow!! You have a new fan!!!!!

Almie dijo...

yo estoy deseando que caiga en mis manos desde que he visto un par de escenas en deviantart.. *_*
Ánimo con ello! :)