

Long time ago,I wanted to do a comic magazine,with short and werid story,I planed to call it THORNS,so I start doing a little comic,but now it will be published in Carroá magazine ,and the recopilation epidemia de melancolia by resistencia editorial,I think both will relased in febrery,but well I keep doing crazy short sdtories for THORNS magazine,even when is not published.



Bueno,aprte de Nocturno que sale en Europa este siguiente febrero,tambien en Mexico,editorial Resistencia publicará un copilado de mis historias cortas,todas en blanco y negro con un toque melancolico y triste,segun los planes saldra al publico duraante la feria del palacio de mineria ne el DF,los mantendre al tanto,mientras aqui les dejo unas paginas de difernetes historia que incluye el libro.

NOC news

well hopefully we are going to have nocturno the first part of two next Angouleme,in french,published by Paquet,yes the book is done,and oficially on stores in febreary,I let you with some of the cover sketches,and I will tell you soon whats happend with Nocturno.

Fil en breve

Bueno aqui estan unas pocas fotos de lo que vivimos ne esta ultima FIL en Guadalajara.